

   发布时间: 2022-11-06    已浏览: 998





l  2006年毕业于重庆邮电大学光电工程学院,获光信息科学与技术专业理学学士学位;

l  2013年毕业于上海交通大学生命科学技术学院,获生物医学工程专业工学博士学位;



l  20142017:深圳大学光电工程学院,博士后;

l  20172020:深圳大学物理与光电工程学院,专职副研究员;

l  2022—:常州大学365体育手机版入口。



l  生物医学光学检测

l  光学分子诊断

l  激光医学及其临床应用



l  主持国家自然科学基金青年项目(多光子荧光寿命显微像以及新型诊疗方案在银屑病应用中的研究,2016-2018

l  主持深圳市基础研究项目(面上)项目(复用荧光寿命在光学图像加密中的应用研究,2020-2023

l  合作方负责深圳市基础研究项目(基于LIBS精准祛痣方法的前期应用研究,


[1].  Luo Teng, et al. Lifetime Division Multiplexing by Multilevel Encryption Algorithm. ACS Nano, 2021, 15:4, 6257-6265.

[2].  Luo Teng, et al. Nanosecond-order long-short fluorescence lifetime switchable encryption with enlarged coding capacity. Nanophotonics, 2021, 10(7):1889-1899.

[3].  Luo Teng, et al. Discrimination of wet or dried arterial and venous blood for forensic applications via eosin fluorescence lifetime. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2020, 304: 0-127018.

[4].  Luo Teng, et al. Method to improve the tunable capacity of time-resolved encoding to a xanthene dye. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2020, 229: 0-117943.

[5].  Luo Teng, et al. Identification and characterization of different tissues in blood vessel by multiplexed fluorescence lifetimes. Analyst, 2018, 141(10):2243-2248.

[6].  Luo Teng, et al. Multiplexed fluorescence lifetime imaging by concentration-dependent quenching. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2018, 3(13):1912- 1919.

[7].  Luo Teng, et al. Enhanced Visualization of Hematoxylin and Eosin Stained Pathological Characteristics by Phasor Approach. Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89(17):9224-9231.

[8].  Luo Teng, et al. Phasor-FLIM as a Screening Tool for the Differential Diagnosis of Actinic Keratosis, Bowen's Disease, and Basal Cell Carcinoma. Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89(15):8104-8111.

[9].  Lin Danying#, Luo Teng#, et al. Implementation of FLIM and SIFT for improved intraoperative delineation of glioblastoma margin, Chinese Optics Letter, 2017,18(3):277-283.

[10].         Luo Teng, et al. Indocyanine green derivative covalently conjugated with gold nanorods for multimodal phototherapy of fibrosarcoma cells. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, 2015, 11(4): 600-613.

[11].         Luo Teng, et al. Mesoporous silica-coated gold nanorods with embedded indocyanine green for dual mode X-ray CT and NIR fluorescence imaging. Optics Express, 2011,19(18): 17030-17039.

[12].     Luo Teng, et al. Visualization of collagen regeneration in mouse dorsal skin using second harmonic generation microscopy. Laser Physics,2008,19(3):478-482.2016-2019
